Glowing water (Energy drink, Liquid,water)

 Glowing water

You must be thinking how to liquid can be glow ?

it should be very simple answer It is a chemical quinine

it is a normally energy booster drink you should be drink it quinine is normally glowing in dark you should be purchase it in very low of cost 

Why it can be glow?

"In general, something fluoresces because it has absorbed light energy, which makes it excited, and then it releases (or emits) light as it returns to its normal, unexcited state.” Quinine absorbs ultraviolet light and then re-emits it as visible light, meaning it appears to glow when other materials remain dark.

But why does tonic water contains quinine in the first place?

Because it was once used to treat malaria. The quinine powder that British colonialists in india had to take to prevent malaria was so bitter that they began mixing it with sugar and soda water, which, in turn, they mixed with gin. Voila, a classis british cocktail came into being ☺

if you want to purchace it than click in   Here

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